September 14, 2023

Demo-day StarBurst Cohort 3

It all started back in June 2023 where we’ve been like to get accepted for the ASTRA - a joint Starburst and Israel Aerospace Industries acceleration program for the SpaceTech.

Now we can say, that an experience that has been transformative for our team and our venture.

Those deep-dive sessions into the venture capital business gave us aclearer understanding of the investment landscape and how to effectively navigate it. The expertise has been instrumental in shaping our strategies and preparing us to engage confidently with potential investors.

The engaging storytelling workshop have enhanced our ability to communicate our vision and mission, not just compellingly, but in away that resonates deeply with our audience.

The mentor’s advice on how to distill our business essence into asingle, impactful page has greatly improved our pitch materials.

Being part of this acceleration program has not only accelerated our growth but has also enriched our understanding and approach to the manyfacets of building a successful startup. The knowledge and skills we have gained are already being applied as we continue to develop and refine our strategies, ensuring that we remain on the path to success.

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